Delete and Resend

Occasionally, a case may be sent to OnePacs with incorrect patient identifiers cannot be modified directly (patient id, DOB, name). In this case it is necessary to delete the study and re-transmit to OnePacs.

OnePacs strongly recommends using the web based features to modify metadata online.  If that is not possible, the following steps may be used:

  1. Log into the OnePacs web interface and locate the study to be deleted.
  2. Delete the study by right-clicking on the case and selecting “Delete study”. Note, this will completely remove the imaging data and all other data (including reports, uploaded documents, etc.) associated with that case.
  3. Log into the OnePacs gateway where the study was originally transmitted from.
  4. Search for the study.

When correcting data on the modality

      5.  Delete the study by selecting the checkbox at the right hand side of the row and pressing the trash icon.

      6.  Now you can re-send the study to the OnePacs Gateway from your imaging modality.

When modifying the metadata on the Gateway directly and then resending to OnePacs. 

      5.  Make changes to the metadata via the Gateway interface (see below)

      6.  Now you can re-send the study from the Gateway by selecting the study via the checkbox, selecting "ONEPACS_WEB" from the dropdown list, and pressing the export button (up arrow). 

Modifying study data

When you have confirmed that you are running an appropriate version of the Gateway (or after you have updated an older version of the Gateway as described above), you may now enter changes to study data through the Gateway interface and have those changes forwarded to the OnePacs system.

To modify study metadata, simply locate the study using the search function of the “Folder” tab in the Gateway interface. You may expand the study and review individual series using the [+] plus arrow icon.

When you have located the study or series for which you need to modify data, simply click the pencil icon which appears at the right hand aspect of the row for the study or series, and this will bring up a screen where study metadata may be modified.

After modifying the metadata and clicking the “update” button, the updated information will be updated on the Gateway.  Next you will need to delete the study from the cloud via the OnePacs web interface.  Note:  Your user account will require study deletion permission to be able to delete studies from the website. 

Finally, resend the study or studies from the OnePacs gateway interface by clicking the checkboxes, selecting the "Central OnePacs Server" destination from the dropdown, and clicking on the "Export" button.  For more information, see the page on Manually resending from the OnePacs Gateway.