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LevelKeywordDescription DICOM Tag Notes
patientpatientNamePatient Name in DICOM format.(0010,0010)
-patientIdPatient Id(0010,0020)
-patientBirthDatePatient Birth Date(0010,0030)
-patientSexPatient Sex(0010,0040)
studyaccessionNumberStudy accession number(0008,0050)
-studyIuidStudy Uid(0020,000D)
-referringPhysicianNameReferring physician name in DICOM format.(0008,0090)
-physicianNamesReferring physician name AND ordering physician name(0008,0090)plus the ordering physician specified during the confirmation process
-studyDescriptionStudy Description(0008,1030) 
-bodyPartsInStudyBody Parts(0018,0015)An aggregation of the series-level bodyPartExamined.  It is recommend that queries for body part search on this study-level value for most use cases.
-studyIdStudy Id(0020,0010) 
-studyDateTimeStudy Performed Date(0008,0020) 
-normalizedStudyDateTimeStudy Performed Date(0008,0020)Normalized to user's time zone
-createdTimeTime study receivedNA
-modalitiesInStudyList of all modalities in the study separated by a slash (”/”)(0008,0060) 
-numberOfStudyRelatedInstancesNumber of instances in the study(0020,1208)
-numberOfStudyRelatedSeriesNumber of series in the study(0020,1206)
-patientAge The age of the patient at time of study in years(0010,1010)May be calculated from DOB and study date
-patientInstitutionResidence The patient's institution residence at the time of study(0038,0400) 
-assignedToUser The username that the study is presently assigned toNAMay be null if unassigned
-uploadedByThe username that manually updated the studyNAMay be null if unassigned
-institutionNameInstitution from DICOM header(0008,0080)Hint: Consider using Source AE to filter by Gateway
-statStatusThe stat status of the study.NAEnumerated values of STAT, SUPER_STAT (critical).  To search for non-routine cases use "statStatus is not null"
-deadlineTImeThe deadline time of the study.NAStudy warning/deadline times are configured at the facility level based on priority designation, turn-around-time configuration, and the received/confirmation time of the study.  Only unreported studies requiring interpretation will have a warning / deadline time.
-warnTImeThe warning time of the studyNA
-sizeOnDiskThe size of the study in bytesNAA sum of all the DICOM images in the study in present transfer syntax.  Does not include further reduction from zipping. Includes duplicates.
hasAddendaThe study has a clinical addendaNA 
-requiresResultsReportingThe study requires results reportingNA 
seriesbodyPartExaminedBody Part(0018,0015)Use the study level bodyPartsInStudy unless explicitly trying to exclude individual series in study retriever queries.
-seriesIuidSeries Uid(0020,000E) 
-numberOfSeriesRelatedInstancesNumber of series instances(0020,1209) 
-stationNameStation Name(0008,1010) 
-institutionalDepartmentNameDepartment Name(0008,1040) 
-seriesSizeThe size of the series in bytesNAA sum of all the DICOM images in the series in present transfer syntax.  Does not include further reduction from zipping.  Includes duplicates.
facilityfacilityNameThe name of the source facility.NA 
-facilityStateThe State code of the source facility. NA 
-facilityIdThe ID of the study's facility.NA 
-callingAETitleThe AE title of the source facility.NA 
reportreportCompletedTimeThe time the primary report was completed.NA 
-primaryReportReadTypeThe read type of the primary reportNAEnumerated values of PRELIMINARY, FINAL, OTHER-reportTextReport textNASearches all report text including previous reports and addenda.


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