Viewers for the iPad

Cases may be viewed in the web viewer or Osirix HD.

To view a case on the iPad in Osirix HD, open the OnePacs worklist in Safari, then click on the toolbar menu icon for the case you wish to view. A menu will appear with an option to open the case in Osirix HD. This will download the entire case to Osirix HD.

In the event that the case is large and you wish to view only a single series, to avoid having to download the entire case, you may click the “series preview” icon on the toolbar, and select a specific series to view, and click on the “View in Osirix” icon which appears in the series preview pane.

Upcoming improvements

Upcoming improvements to iPad support include:

Feedback welcome

We are interested in user experience reports to aid us in tailoring OnePacs for use on mobile devices.

If you have accessed OnePacs through an iPad, Android, or other mobile device and have feedback to offer, please feel free to offer such feedback through the OnePacs User Forums