OnePacs Workstation for macOS allows you to synchronize your DICOM nodes list and shared databases list with a shared document, by specifying this document's URL. The app will periodically access the URL and update the nodes lists to match the items listed in the retrieved document.

These shared documents must be in the PLIST format, and must be structured in a specific way. PLIST documents can be edited using Apple's Plist Editor software and other third party editors. PLIST files have two declinations: a binary storage version and an XML-based storage version. The app supports both. You may create a PLIST manually using any raw text editor, as long as you respect the expected PLIST XML syntax. Also, you may generate the PLIST dynamically, using your favorite scripting language.

At the root of the PLIST document, the app expects to find an array of dictionaries. Every dictionary represents a network node. The content of the dictionaries varies depending on the document.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

DICOM Nodes List

In the DICOM nodes list, the dictionary items must contain the following key-values:

In PLIST XML, a node would be described as follows:

	<string>This is a sample DICOM node</string>
	<key>Transfer Syntax</key>

Shared Databases List

In the shared databases list, the dictionary items must contain the following key-values:

In PLIST XML, a node would be described as follows:

	<string>This is a sample database sharing node</string>