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  1. Add a non-DICOM Study Record

    Adding a Study Record for non-DICOM content Certain imaging data may require interpretation but be in analog or non-DICOM format.  Examples include physical film studies or PDFs of EKGs.  In either event, it is possible to add a study record manually in OnePacs. The user must have the “Modify patient/study/series
    The OnePacs SystemSep 24, 2014
  2. Facility Groups

    be created or facility may be added to a group directly from when managing facilities.   Use the checkboxes on the left to select one or more facilities select the "Facility Groups" button to create or add the selected facilities to a facility group.  image2017-9-5 15:48:52.png A new window will be displayed that shows
    The OnePacs SystemFeb 28, 2019
  3. Facility Subgroups

    Managing Facility Subgroups (Sub-facilities) Sometimes, a single facility may service multiple other clients.  For example, this may be common with a mobile imaging client or other cases where an imaging modality is shared.  From the radiology groups perspective their customer is the mobile imaging facility
    The OnePacs SystemSep 08, 2017
  4. Facility Radiologist IDs

    for that facility    Add or edit the radiologist ID or signature next the radiologist name.  Click save.  If necessary, click the export button to export the list … .  Some external RIS/EMR systems require a facility specific radiologist ID.  This functionality allows users to configure the radiologist ID or signature for each
    The OnePacs SystemJul 27, 2021
  5. Service Hours

    , will allow us to view our created schedules. We can have schedules for Radiologist, Auto Assignment Rules, and Facility Service hours. We will be adding facility … attempt is made by a facility-side user through the web interface, or by HL7, for a study not eligible for confirmation due to service hour restrictions
    The OnePacs SystemFeb 21, 2024
  6. Managing Facilities

    facilities that are no longer active.  image2019-10-22_11-43-22.png Use the add button to add a new facility. image2019-10-22_11-42-30.png Select a facilityfacility on the facility list and then selecting the down arrow on the add button and then selecting the “create facility from prototype” option. This will fill
    The OnePacs SystemJun 16, 2020
  7. Managing Users

    on the add button. The account request or invitation features are useful when many new accounts will be created (for example when a new facility starts using OnePacs … the ability to add or remove a facility privilege for multiple users.   Use the checkboxes in the user grid to select multiple users.   Click the "Manage Multiple
    The OnePacs SystemJul 18, 2021
  8. Basic Study Upload Interface

    of these methods, a window will appear, allowing you to select ZIP files containing DICOM studies which you wish to upload to OnePacs. You may add several such files. Click on the “Add…” button, and add the ZIP file which contains the DICOM images desired. uploadinterface.png If you have access to more than one
    The OnePacs SystemApr 06, 2017
  9. Study Fees

    Fees” option in the “Admin” menu.  Fees can be set for both the facility as well as radiologists.   Facility Fees Facility fees can be configured by both exam urgency as well as read type. By default the read types configured by the facility will display.   If the facility is set to allow critical/stroke exams
    The OnePacs SystemDec 05, 2017
  10. Peer Review

    .   Peer Review Schemes Click on the Add button at the bottom of the scheme grid to start to create a peer review scheme.  Each radiology group can currently … of time".   Give the scheme a description and click on the add bottom on the bottom to add a new code and description.  Click the save button to save the peer
    The OnePacs SystemMar 19, 2023